Playroom Refresh

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HOW TO: Organize Your Playroom

Are your kids growing out of their play space?!

If it’s anything like my house, when they outgrow their toys, I start noticing a lot more boredom. They don’t play independently as well. There’s a lot more sibling fighting.

Can you relate?!

Then you know it’s time to make a change! But big changes can sometimes feel overwhelming. Where to even start…so I’m gonna make it so easy!

Let’s chat today about our playroom refresh and how to organize your own playroom.

Our two kiddos are now 9 & 6 – so we are entering a TOTALLY new stage of toys. So last Christmas, we surprised them with a big kid playroom!! They knew we were working on it for a few weeks prior…but the door was locked and the full reveal happened on Christmas morning.

I wanted to show you what we did and why we did it – and hopefully you can take some nuggets with you as you update your own playroom!

What Toys Will Help Entertain Your Kids + Their Friends?

For us, that meant picking toys they could grow into, and that make it easy to play with their friends. So we picked this smaller air hockey table that also doubles as a ping pong table! The ping pong pieces all slide nicely into the bottom so it’s all tidy…my favorite. Here’s the before + after:

Personalize the Room for Your Kids

I think kids feel take more ownership in keeping a room organized when they can see their special things around them. So I made an effort to add some fun personal touches.

I took photos of my daughter’s art work with my iPhone and printed them as photos through Shutterfly. And I purchased these inexpensive frames with plastic fronts instead of glass so they are kid and air hockey friendly! I told her each year she can pick out new artwork and I will switch them out for her. Another before + after here:

Check out this post for more ideas on how I transfer my kids’ art to digital files each year.

Build in Storage

Art is big with my oldest, so I created an art nook where she can create and have all of her supplies with a home right there. We used this Kallax shelf unit and 2 of these Linnmon tables with the hardware to attach and these white stools. These fun Drona bins that come in several colors, and then these white bin clips to hold the labels.

I also added these wire lines and clips to the opposite wall so they can constantly be changing out their own creations.

Let Them Edit Their Space

They had outgrown their old white board, so why not let them write on the whole wall?! I rolled on chalk paint (it took 3 coats) and then let it dry for a couple of days before writing on it. I read somewhere to go ahead and write on it and erase all over so you have a nice chalky base so it’s easier for kids to erase. Also – we tried chalk markers at first, and learned quickly that they don’t come off of that type of paint and had to paint over it again. Just use standard white or colored chalk – we get this set.

Make it Cozy

Because every kid wants to hang in a cozy room. We added a TV so we could do family movies and tv in there. And we added these AMAZING chairs. They adjust to whatever angle you want them. My kids move them all over the house they love them so much. And they are even comfy for adults! Here’s the before + after:

How’s It Going, You Ask?

It’s been SO awesome to have this playroom refresh done with the kids home this summer. I feel like we added an entire new usable space to our home!

Have questions as you update your own playroom? Shoot me an email and I’d love to chat with you!

So What Now?

Maybe you're inspired to tackle your space on your own. Or maybe you are feeling the nudge but are totally overwhelmed. What's YOUR next step?

Whatever it is...I encourage you to take your next best step toward getting organized!


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