Self-Care in Your Home

I see you. Every day you give your all to the people around you. And then you come home. You look at the cluttered spaces. You have no energy to even start.

We often find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities, from nurturing our families, to managing our homes, to kicking butt in our jobs. In the hectic day-to-day, we tend to put ourselves and our priorities last, sometimes feeling guilty about even thinking of self-care. But self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

The Reality vs Social Media

It’s easy to starting feeling like you are the only one struggling with clutter. You see beautiful images of homes on social, and you start to believe that’s reality for everyone, except you. The truth: we’ve gotten a record number of calls this summer and early fall from incredible people who feel stuck in their spaces. They need to declutter and stop feeling overwhelmed by all the “stuff.” They are ready to dig out of it but they know they need to ask for help. Often times we work through their entire home, creating systems along the way and teaching them tools to learn to stay organized.

What’s Holding You Back?

The hardest part is making the first call. Consider this your official permission slip to prioritize yourself. You deserve it! And we’re here to help. Our decluttering and organizing services are designed to make your life easier, simpler and more peaceful. We not only help you get organized, but we create systems to help you stay organized long-term.

What Can You Expect From Us?

Our all-women team specializes in transforming your least favorite spaces. From organizing chaotic playrooms or dirty storage rooms, to creating functional, beautiful kitchens and pantries, we’ve got you covered.

  • We are a team of judgment-free women who genuinely love to organize and love helping others get organized.

  • We will make the decluttering process fun, and even make you laugh!

  • You decide what you want to throw away or donate, and what stays.

  • You decide how long of sessions you want, and how many organizers.

  • You decide if you want us to take any before + after photos of your spaces.

What Do Clients Have to Say?

LIFE CHANGING!!! I feel as free as a bird! WOW!!! These gals have it going on. I can’t recommend them enough! So professional and they truly wowed everyone that has seen our garage. My least favorite and frustrating room is now my favorite.

Jill - Shawnee, KS

Just do it! We had our basement storage area organized and it’s just such a relief that it’s done. Totally worth it.

Shauna - Olathe, KS

Your Next Best Step

It all starts with a free 15-minute phone call so I can hear more about the spaces that are bugging you, and we can see if Everyday Organize is a good fit. It’s that simple!

Let’s do this…TOGETHER!


5 Ways We Can Get You Organized